Copyright © Areej Kaoud 2024

Unknown Safety 2019,

Custom EPDM polymeric rubber, polystyrene and synthetic grass;

5 meters diameter.

Areej Kaoud

Commissioner: NYUAD Art Gallery Executive director and chief curator Maya Allison
Image courtesy to the artist and NYUAD.

Unknown Safety 2019 is an interactive sculpture with a custom incline dome shape. Made with the soft rubber surface found on running tracks and playgrounds, the slope is designed to allow the viewer to climb but also sense they have taken a leap. The rubber is red — a primary color of caution. This piece is playing with the concept of higher ground. In the presence of danger, it is a higher point of view across landscape, and a point of refuge.


Exhibition: 'Speculative Landscapes' Sep - Dec 2019 @ NUYAD Art Gallery.